How it works
Fiesta Lawn Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that leaves lawns healthy and weed-free using a specially formulated iron chelate solution. Fiesta® works quickly, even in cool weather. And since Fiesta is made from iron, it has no unpleasant odour during or after application. Pets and people can reenter the treated area once the spray is dry. Fiesta is a versatile, patented product that will help grass look its best, even in pesticide restricted areas such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries, sports fields, and playgrounds.
Liquid selective herbicide that effective kills broadleaf weeds in the lawn
Works fast
Made with iron
People and pets can enter treated area when spray dries
No unpleasant odour
Rain-fast in 3 hours
Effective even in cool weather
Iron is bound to a chelating agent, hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA), which keeps the iron soluble and readily available for plant uptake. Broadleaf weeds absorb chelated iron easily and in larger quantities than grass does, which leads to cellular damage and ultimate plant death in broadleaf weeds while grass remains unharmed.
Controls: Dandelion, false dandelion, English daisy, white clover, black medic, bull thistle,Canada thistle, common chickweed, creeping buttercup, slender speedwell, narrow-leaved plantain, dove’s-foot geranium, lawn burweed, moss and algae, and suppression of broad- leaved plantain